Saturday, September 5, 2015

4 month checkup!

She's been making this face a lot lately, love it!

Jocelyn's checkup went well, there was some concern about her low weight gain, but we talked it over and the doctor thinks she's okay because she's sleeping well, happy when she's awake, and she is growing taller and her brain is growing. So she's our happy, tall and skinny baby!

Weight: 11 lbs. 11 oz. (10 lbs. 4 oz. at 2 mos) - 10th perc. (20th at 2 mos)
Height: 26 1/4 inches (24 3/4 in. at 2 mos) - 95th perc. (90th at 2 mos)
Head circumference: 50th perc. (50th at 2 mos too)

We love her to pieces and are so glad she's happy and healthy!