Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Finals Miracles

Well it's finals week and I'm basically done with my finals without taking hardly any tests! It's a miracle!

First of all, two of my classes had final papers instead of tests. I finished the first one last week and the second one on Sunday and handed them both in yesterday. I knew that I needed to get them done early (plus they were both due on Monday) because I had a final on Monday and Wednesday, plus an online final that I wanted to get done as soon as I could. So I would need plenty of time to study.

Well the first miracle came last week. At the beginning of one of my classes the teacher called some of our names (mine included) and asked us to talk to him after class. He said it wasn't a bad thing, and I was thinking that my grade was pretty good in that class so it really wouldn't be a bad thing! After class he explained that we had done well enough that there was almost no way that we would get a grade worse than an A in the class, so he excused us from taking the final and posted our grades! So then I only had to study for two tests!

Yesterday, first day of finals, I go to my final test feeling a little anxious. I had studied but wasn't sure how well I would do. My teacher passed out the tests and from briefly glancing over it I knew that I was in trouble! The essay portion was hypothetical questions about historical figures, like "If they were here now what would they think?" And I had no idea what to answer! Well, my teacher started talking, saying that he doesn't like tests and they don't measure how you've done in class. So he would call us each up and show us our grade, if we were happy with it we didn't have to take the final and just accept the grade that we already had in the class! This made me sooo happy and relieved! When he called me up he showed me that I already had an A in the class, so I didn't take the final! Miracle number two!

Now today I only have one more final to take, my online final. This class has two parts to the final, if you do good on part one then you don't have to take part two. Well, yesterday I studied for and took part one and it did not go well! But luckily, I can still take part two today. And hopefully get an A or a B out of the class.

So excited that finals are almost over and that everything has gone so well this semester! Yay school!

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